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December 2022

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Members' Column | News and Articles

Congratulatory Messages by President Peh

President Peh, on behalf of IAACA, extended congratulations on the 20th Anniversary of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) of Romania on 27 September 2022 and the 104th Anniversary of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 22 November 2022. President Peh wished the important missions and endeavours of DNA and Ministry of Justice continue to thrive.

20th Anniversary of DNA, Romania
104th Anniversary of the Ministry of Justice, Republic of Azerbaijan

Presentation on Work of IAACA by Secretary-General

Upon the invitation of the European Partners against Corruption and European contact-point network against corruption (EPAC/ECAN), IAACA Secretary-General Ms. Sally Kwan made a pre-recorded video presentation at the 21st EPAC/EACN Annual Professional Conference and General Assembly which took place in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova on 23 November 2022.  In her presentation, Ms. Kwan highlighted the three strategic directions of IAACA in this new term and took the opportunity to invite participating anti-corruption agencies to join the Association so as to synergise efforts in building a fair and corruption-free world.

To showcase the anti-corruption work of our members in future newsletters, the IAACA Secretariat would like to invite your esteemed agencies to contribute articles on efforts or initiatives that have been put forward. With our newsletter being distributed to all members and ACAs around the globe, it will serve as a good platform for publicising your anti-corruption efforts. Please contact us at for contribution.

Ms. Sally Kwan sharing IAACA’s mission and major initiatives at the 21st EPAC/EACN Annual Professional Conference and General Assembly

IAACA Secretariat

Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong, China

Tel : (852) 2826 3361


©2022 by IAACA. Created by ICAC Hong Kong China

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