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Institution: Universidad Complutense Madrid

Date: June 1987

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Graduate in Law


Language skills: (increasing competence from 1 to 5)

Language Reading Speaking Writing

Spanish Mother tongue Mother tongue Mother tongue

English 5 4 4



Membership of professional bodies:

Member of the Judicial Career since February 1990, being declared on leave by Order of March 22nd 1990. I enter in the Public Prosecutor Career in September 1989.


Other skills:

  • Public Prosecutor of the Special Public Prosecution Service against Corruption and Organized Crime, since its creation in November 1995 until 2015.

  • Deputy prosecutor in the Technical Secretariat of the general Prosecutor Office between 2015 and 2017.

  • Present position: Chief Prosecutor in the Special Public Prosecution Service against Corruption and Organized Crime.


Years within the organisation:

31 years


Key qualifications:

  • More than 30 years of experience as public prosecutor in the Spanish justice administration, investigating economic and financial crimes and acting in many different trials related with political, economic and financial crimes, including some very important cases of political corruption that burst very noisily producing a huge echo in the media.


Specific Countries experience:

  • Member of the Spanish delegation in the 7th period of sessions of the United Nations Commission for Crime Prevention and Penal Justice, taken place in Vienna from the 21st to the 30th November 1998.

  • Member of the Spanish delegation in the Seminar “The penal responsibility of juridical people” organized in the environment of the community program GROTIUS and taken place in Rome from the 10th to the 12th June 1999.

  • Member of the Work Team 1 as a medium-term expert in the Phare Project to fight corruption in Slovakia Republic (Twinning project SK00/IB/JH-01) from April 2002 to June 2003, that ended with the final report explaining the main needs an insufficiencies revealed in the fight against corruption and proposing the improvement measures.

  • Member of the Spanish delegation in the Program “Octopus Interface 2003” against corruption and organized crime under the title: “Anti-corruption bodies, prosecutors and investigators. Can they make a difference?", taken place in Strasbourg, from the 5th to the 7th November 2003.

  • Project co-leader in the Twinning project “Capacity building for the office for prevention of corruption and organised crime” in Croatia from 2004 to 2006.

  • Member of the Spanish delegation in different evaluations of Spain carried out by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) from 2004 to 2010.

  • Short term expert in the Twinning Project AL-2009-IB-JH-03 “Support to Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Investigation Structures” in Albania (2011).

  • Contact Point of the Special Public Prosecution Service against Corruption and Organized Crime in the EJN (European Judicial Network) since 2003


Professional Experience Record:

Date: from (year) to (year): 1990-1991

Location: Toledo

Company: Prosecution Office in Toledo Provincial Court

Position: Prosecutor


Date: from (year) to (year): 1991-1995

Location: Madrid

Company: Prosecution Office in Madrid Superior Court

Position: Prosecutor


Date: from (year) to (year): 1995-2015

Location: Madrid

Company: Special Public Prosecution Service against

corruption and organized crime

Position: Prosecutor


Date: from (year) to (year): 2015- 2017

Location: Madrid

Company: Technical Secretariat in the General

Prosecutor’s Office

Position: Prosecutor


Date: from (year) to (year): 2017-present

Location: Madrid

Company: Special Public Prosecution Service against

corruption and organized crime

Position: Chief Prosecutor



Other Relevant Information:

Dozens of publications and more than a hundred lectures on legal matters pronounced in different institutions in and out of Spain [Warsaw (Poland), Bratislava (Slovak Republic), Brasov and Bucarest (Romania), Zagreb (Croatia), Santiago (Chile), Cartagena (Colombia), Moscow (Russia)…]. These lectures specially deal with economic crimes and corruption such as criminal tax frauds and smuggling, money laundering, offences of breach of official duty, offences of abuse or unlawful use of privileged information, misappropriation of public funds, frauds and illegal extortions, offences of bribery, swindling, fraudulent bankruptcy, etc.


Attendance to many different congress and short courses dealing, among others, with the above mentioned subjects.

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Mr Alejandro Luzón Cánovas

Chief Prosecutor

Special Public Prosecution Office Against Corruption and Organised Crime,


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