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September 2022

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Regional Coordination | Updates

Regional Coordinators of IAACA are actively exploring opportunities, through cooperation with different international and regional organisations, to reach out to anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) in their regions and to promote the work of IAACA. Below are some highlights (in alphabetic order of region):

African States

Regional Coordinator




Advocate Andy Mothibi, Head and Chief Executive of the Special Investigating Unit of South Africa, and the Regional Coordinator of the African Region of IAACA made a presentation at the 12th Regional Conference of Heads of Anti-Corruption Agencies in the Commonwealth Africa on 5 May 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda.  The presentation covered an introduction of IAACA, the progress of coordination work in African States and the possible areas of cooperation between IAACA and the African Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities covering anti-corruption measures, anti-money laundering, asset tracing, training initiatives and best practice benchmarking.

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South Africa_2
Advocate Mothibi’s presentation was well received by delegates of ACAs from countries in the Commonwealth Africa

The Secretary General, Ms Sally Kwan, also promoted the work of IAACA at an online training event organised by the Commonwealth Africa Anti-Corruption Centre (CAACC) on 6 July 2022 for around 30 anti-corruption practitioners from 21 ACAs across 18 Commonwealth African countries.

Ms Sally Kwan promoting the work of IAACA at an online training event organised by CAACC

Asia-Pacific States

Regional Coordinator




As IAACA’s Regional Coordinator of the Asia-Pacific Region, ICAC has established contact with the field office of UNODC in Central Asia to discuss joint efforts in reaching out to ACAs in the area.  An online meeting has also been organised with Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) and Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) of Singapore to explore ways to enhance IAACA’s network with ACAs in Pacific Island Countries.  In addition, a sub-regional meeting among the Pacific Island states would be arranged for enhancing anti-corruption collaboration, promoting the work of IAACA and planning regional training activities.

Meeting with FICAC and CPIB online on 30 June 2022

Eastern European States

Regional Coordinator



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Mr Fikrat Mammadov, Minister of Justice of Azerbaijan and the Regional Coordinator of Eastern European Region of IAACA, hosted a regional seminar on “Asset Recovery in the Fight against Corruption” under the auspices of IAACA in Baku on 30 June 2022.  The seminar was kicked off by the opening addresses of Mr Mammadov as the IAACA Vice-President, Ms Sally Kwan as the Secretary-General of IAACA and Mr Žydrūnas Bartkus, President of the European Partners against Corruption and European contact-point network against corruption (EPAC/EACN) and Director of Special Investigation Service of Lithuania (STT).  Mr Mammadov emphasised that the promotion of asset recovery could facilitate the fight against corruption which paved the way for attaining the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 16.5.

Regional seminar on Asset Recovery
The Regional Seminar attracted more than 100 anti-corruption and law enforcement practitioners from 11 countries, including 8 from Eastern Europe (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Lithuania, Romania, North Macedonia, Moldova, Slovakia and Bulgaria) to participate in-person or online
Regional seminar on Asset Recovery_2
Ms Sally Kwan stressed IAACA’s role in fostering international cooperation over asset recovery in particular facilitating knowledge sharing on the ever-evolving corruption crimes

In addition to the host country, speakers from the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong, China, the Central Office for Seizure and Confiscation of Belgium, the Anti-corruption Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Georgia, the STT, the National Anti-Corruption Directorate of Romania and the Justice Academy of Türkiye who had relevant expertise and experience also shared their expertise and knowledge on the topic.  There was a fruitful discussion at the end of seminar and the participants were thankful for such an initiative.

Western European and Other States

Regional Coordinator




An online meeting between Mr Charles Duchaine, Director of French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA) and the Regional Coordinator of Western European and Other States of IAACA, and President Simon Peh was held to discuss the  regional coordination work in Western Europe.  AFA would approach ACAs to introduce IAACA and understand their needs in the coming months and arrange a meeting in September 2022 with other Executive Committee members in the region to advance the work of the Association.

Online meeting between Mr Charles Duchaine and President Simon Peh on 24 May 2022

Latin American and Caribbean States

Regional Coordinator


To discuss ways to take forward the Regional Coordination Mechanism in the Latin American and Caribbean Region, President Simon Peh had a fruitful exchange with Mr Jorge Bermúdez, Comptroller General of Chile and the Regional Coordinator of IAACA of the region.  Mr Bermúdez and his colleagues helped promote the work of IAACA at the meeting of the Commission for the Fight against Transnational Corruption of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions held on 22-24 June 2022.  In addition, meetings between IAACA Secretariat and various UNODC’s field offices were held to pave the way for reaching out to the ACAs in the region.

Online Meeting with Jorge Bermudez
Mr Jorge Bermúdez and President Simon Peh had fruitful exchange during the online meeting on 31 May 2022
African Stats
Eastern European States
Asia-Pacific States
Western European and other States
Latin American and Caribbean States

IAACA Secretariat

Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong, China

Tel : (852) 2826 3361


©2022 by IAACA. Created by ICAC Hong Kong China

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